Our Philosophy
Building PARTNERSHIPS has been the foundation of our success. By partnering with our clients, designers, subcontractors and other project team members, we align our goals and collaborate at every level to consistently meet our client’s expectations.
Building TRUST has been our guiding principle from the day Basil Perch founded the company in 1993. His insistence that “our name is our greatest asset” has guided us through every phase of every project, gaining our clients’ confidence through solid performance, transparent business practices, and unreserved accountability.
Building COMMUNITIES. Well-planned and well-executed projects set the scene for where we work, play, shop, and send our children to school—but we know it takes much more than building quality projects to strengthen a community. We encourage sustainable building practices, we pursue ongoing relationships with community members, we participate as directors and members of service organizations, and we financially support causes that share our core values.
The next thirteen years proved successful. The business grew, and in 2004 Basil was awarded the contract for construction of the Support Services Building for Kaweah Delta Health Care District. The project was BJ Perch Construction’s first mid-rise and first public works project. Up to this point, Basil and his wife Kathy had been leading the business as a two-person team. The KDHCD project was enough to entice their son, BJ, back to Visalia from Silicon Valley where he had spent years working on similar projects.
BJ Perch Construction reached its twenty-five year milestone in 2018. We are positioned to build on our past successes, we look forward to forming new relationships, and we will continue to do our part to strengthen our communities. We will embrace new technologies and expand services to meet the changing demands of the industry. We will remind ourselves that none of this is an end in itself, but just one of the many steps we must take to meet our client’s needs and better our community.